Pregnancy is such a joyful time, full of anticipation as you get ready for a new life coming into the world and all the happiness that surrounds it. It’s also a time of intense preparation as you seek to stay fit, deal with morning sickness, and gear up for labor. If you’re seeking a more natural pregnancy, then you’ll probably receive conflicting information about a lot of things, especially when it comes to nutrition. Often, we never hear about what our bodies need the most during this time, which is unfortunate because we miss out on important information that can help set up our little ones for good outcomes. This post discloses five pregnancy superfoods that you probably won’t hear about from your OB. Make sure to do your own research so you can have an optimal pregnancy!
“When I went to my very first doctor appointment during my first pregnancy I was shocked at the lack of nutritional information that they offered me. I asked them what I should be eating to ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, the response I was given was brief and vague: don’t eat lunch meat, fish or raw milk. That was about it. I also was given a pamphlet that detailed why these foods were so bad.
I went directly from my doctor appointment to my chiropractor. She had a very different story to tell. She told me to eat butter (lots of butter!), and liver, and FISH! She handed me a copy of the book Nourishing Traditions and told me to go home and read it while enjoying a fresh piece of real sourdough bread dripping with grass-fed butter. I knew I was in the right place. I went home and did exactly as she told me. Then I called my doctor and transferred all of my care to a local midwife group. The midwives were much more tuned into nutrition. My new team of professionals were exactly the people I needed to help me through this most important time in my life. Here are the key things they taught me about nutrition for pregnancy and beyond!
Traditional cultures have known these foods for millennia. If you page through Nourishing Traditions, you will learn all about the special diets for the mothers-to-be.These include nutrient dense foods like fish eggs, liver, bone marrow, raw milk, egg yolks and other animal fats. Very different from the dietary recommendations I was given from my OB appointment!
While there are many foods that I included in my diet while pregnant to nourish my body and my growing baby, I wanted to break it down here into what I believe to be the top five pregnancy super foods.”
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