This delicious fruit and nut fudge is made with macadamia nuts and almonds. Mixed with ingredients like coconut oil, cacao butter, honey, and creamy nut butter, this fudge is simple to make and very easy to enjoy 🙂
“On Sunday I had a fantastic day out with my daughter, Daisy. She is almost 19 and studying Journalism at RMIT in Melbourne. Daisy is very interested in healthy food and exercise. Here’s her blog if you are interested. 🙂
Anyway, Daisy and I attended the Feed Your Soul event run by Ashy Bines and Nicole Joy. These are two inspiring young women who had a wonderful, positive message. My favourite guest speaker was Dr Nat Krouglis. Dr Nat runs a women’s health and fertility clinic called The Pagoda Tree in Melbourne. I was encouraged by her talk on gut health being the basis for many health problems. She said, “I’m going to keep giving you the same answer to all your questions. If you have health problems, you need to get your gut right.” Dr Nat talked about how The Pill, antibiotics and modern-day diets damage or destroy the good bacteria in your gut and how this leads to a multitude of illnesses. I wanted to get up and cheer! 🙂 It was wonderful that these young women were hearing such wisdom about their health.
I’ve got to give a shout out to my gorgeous mum here. As I was growing up she talked about The Pill not being good for women and how it could upset your system. My mum was certainly ahead of her time. Thanks, Mum, for all that health advice you researched and gave to us. Who knows where I’d be if you hadn’t adjusted our diet and environment to heal your health problems. You’re awesome, Mum. xx A long time ago, I used to love Fruit n Nut chocolate. 🙂 Really, if you’re going to have chocolate, it has to include nuts. Now that chocolate is off the menu, I really appreciate treats like this one. The cacao butter, coconut oil and nut butter give a creamy, chocolatey taste. And the addition of the sultanas and roasted nuts just makes it bliss. Enjoy! Good fats are GOOD for us! Woo Hoo to that! :)”
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