So, in your pursuit of natural living, you’ve stocked your home with everything you need for natural remedies. But what about those times you aren’t at home? Whether you’re driving 5 miles to the grocery store, or traveling across the country, you just never know when you or a loved one will be in need of some care. A natural remedy travel kit is a fantastic thing to keep on hand whenever you leave your house. This tutorial on how to put together your very own natural remedy travel kit will keep you covered!
“Whenever anyone in my family heads off on holiday they always put together a Natural Therapy First Aid Kit to take with them.
Our family kit started soon after I first used homeopathic remedies for my boys when they were quite young. Our collection of remedies was kept in a partitioned plastic case that slid under the car seat when we went camping at the beach. It proved invaluable many, many times for all sorts of ailments from sunburn, summer colds, Bluebottle stinger attacks, sprained ankles through to New Years Day hangovers. The remedies were often pulled out to treat other campers as well.
Over the last decade we traveled further afield, through SE Asia, Southern Africa and across the Pacific to Mexico, South America and USA, and natural remedies went along on each journey. Items from the kit have been used on every trip.
Our kits contain Homeopathic remedies to deal with Travelers Diarhorrea, food poisoning, fluid retention, sunburn and burns, sprains strains and bruising, nausea, travel sickness, infections, fever, insect and animal bites and stings, plus others. We also add various remedies selected to suit the individual using each kit. A migraine remedy for one, another gets sinus pain in flight, two are very susceptible to altitude sickness, another to skin infections, so we add these types or remedies where they are needed.
I usually pack everything together in a small plastic storage box from the supermarket. It keeps the products dry and clean and helps prevent spillage and breakage.”
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