We know how important it is to use natural cleaners in our homes. It helps us and our families avoid inhaling, and even consuming, harsh chemicals. But did you know that non-toxic cleaning is also incredibly beneficial for the furry members of your family? This post explores the ways natural cleaning can be good for your pets as well!
“Sometimes we do for others what we won’t do for ourselves. It was not until I had babies that I started to care about the toxicity of my environment, and I then made the switch to natural cleaning products. At the time, I didn’t even think about what impact the “traditional” products I was using were having on my pets, but as I did more research and gained knowledge about the dangers of commonly used household cleaners, I began to realize that these products have an equal or greater impact on our animals. But, why?
Pets are closer to the ground. Floor cleaners and other household products often contain harmful toxins. Our pets’ paws absorb these toxins even after the floor has dried. Our pets also lay on the ground, sniff the ground, and even sometimes lick the ground. They lay on the floor and lick their fur and their paws. Each time they get a dose of whatever cleaning products we used that have accumulated on them by walking or lying around. They are absorbing chemicals through their skin, mouth, and respiratory system.
They breathe the same air we do. Almost all household cleaners become airborne when we use them, so we breathe them in. Pets are even more susceptible to these the toxins in the air than we are. They don’t understand that breathing in chemicals should be avoided, and since they are smaller and have faster metabolisms than we do, they process the chemicals at a faster rate.”
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