Walking is one of the simplest ways to say in shape. There are numerous benefits to walking, and completing a walking workout is something that most people can realistically accomplish with little skill and time. Walking is also a great way to get some fresh air, clear your mind, and rejuvenate your soul. Some of the best conversations, both with yourself and with others, take place in the context of a walk.
Seeing as walking is extremely beneficial in multiple areas of our lives, then we better pay good attention to it. Walking, although good for us, can sometimes become monotonous. I encounter this problem all the time. I love a nice evening walk, but many times I get so sick of seeing the same houses, on the same street, on the same walk … If, like me, there comes a time when you want to know how to make walking more exciting, this post is for you. Learn about seven unique and fun ideas to spice up your walking ventures. By incorporating these ideas into your routine, you will discover walking more exiting than you ever have before!
“Walking is the number one underrated activity for health and fat loss. But, it’s time consuming and it often lacks excitement, which are the main objections I hear. Until now.
Look, I’ve made these same objections myself. Some days I love walking and some days I can think of better things to do. Sometimes I have a lot of time and sometimes I’m pressed for time.
But it’s something that has to be done. You’re a human being. You have to move. Sitting is killing you and going to the gym a few times a week isn’t going to change that.
What I’ve done is come up with some techniques for spicing up the activity of walking, which will help you want to fit it in. I also give some tips for fitting walking into your busy schedule.
This isn’t a list of shallow suggestions like, “listen to podcasts” or “take your dog.” It’s a list of ways to be more engaged and excited about the activity itself and to create a deeper connection with your primal nature.
1. Breath Walking
This is a mental exercise as much as it’s a physical one. It also happens to be the number one way to ensure you’re completely present on your walks.
It’s simple: breathe only through your nose for the entire walk. Don’t open your mouth. If you need to slow down at any point, do so, but keep breathing through your nose.
If you hate meditating or think meditating is woo-woo stuff, then just do this exercise on your walks and you’ll get many of the same benefits.
I wouldn’t recommend that you do this on ALL your walks, but it’s a great exercise to employ from time to time.”
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