Growing up, I would get sinus infections all the time. It seemed that every year, once winter rolled around, I’d be back int he doctor’s office for another round of antibiotics which took a long time to work and sometimes left me feeling worse than before. Now that I’ve done my own research and have seen the benefits of natural remedies, I usually avoid sinus infections by loading up on bone broth, vitamin D, and flu-busting gummy bears. However, every once in a while, myself or someone in my family gets hit with a sinus infection. But instead of marching them to the doctor’s office, I reach for our stash of natural remedies for sinus infections. In this post, you’ll find awesome natural remedies for the crud that can help you feel better faster and will actually treat the root problem, not just the symptoms.
“Oy, that was rough! I am not sure if I have ever had a sinus infection before, as I don’t remember having one, but this was pretty gross. And painful. And grosssssssss.
It started New Year’s Eve day when I was feeling pretty lethargic and like I had a cold brewing. Sure enough it was 100% New Year’s Day when my head filled up with goo like my middle child and husband had weeks leading up to mine. We had been pretty fortunate this winter so far (knock on wood), but it’s rare in a family of 5 to escape any winter ailments.
So I invested in tissues and went on my way, pretty annoyed but not suffering to the nth degree. Until it hit. The mornings started becoming pretty unbearable when I would wake with head pressure that was pretty intense and sort of made me want to poke holes in my brain. Then I saw what was coming out of me that would make the exorcist jealous. So I know it was go time.
Until then I had not needed to use my netipot style bottle because honestly things were “moving” along quite well. But now it was clear if I did not get proactive I was going to end up on antibiotics, which if you know my history is THE LAST OPTION ever for me. I have been rebuilding my gut health for the past 2 years and I am not interested in destroying them all over again unless absolutely essential.
So I did some research, paid a visit to my local Health Food/Vitamin Store and got busy. Here is my line up of what worked WITHIN 24 HOURS to 1. Relieve symptoms like pressure + headache 2. decrease amount of nasal discharge 3. Change the color + consistency of nasal discharge 4. Improve overall feeling of wellness.”
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