The beginning of a pregnancy is one of the most exciting times in life. You and your partner are elated about this new little life, and the pregnancy may be your little secret for a while until you are comfortable sharing the news. For some (ok, a lot) women, just as soon as they start to get used to the idea that they are growing a person, bam! Morning sickness shows up and sort of taints the glow of early pregnancy. Now, there are certain ways to prevent morning sickness before it happens, but if you are not able to escape it, then there are ways to deal with it. This post shares a natural remedy for morning sickness that is healthy (and tasty, too!).
“So you’re pregnant… CONGRATULATIONS! And while you may enjoy the early weeks as you bask in the glow of your positive pregnancy test, some mamas are rudely assaulted by morning sickness, usually 6-8 weeks in.
I definitely had my brush with morning sickness
I had mild morning sickness with my first child, and more intense symptoms with my second. And while I never threw up, I certainly had very queasy moments and a general YUCK feeling until about week 13.
I would have done anything to make it go away!
So I researched and tinkered with a recipe designed to give us the nutrients we need to help ease morning sickness.
(Note that this recipe would also work well for someone who is recovering from the flu, stomach bug, intense workout, a wild night out on the town, or just the doldrums to their morning breakfast routine.)”
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