While we certainly see the value in various supplements like , we know that we cannot out-supplement a poor diet and that, ideally, we will get most of our vitamins and minerals from the f
“Boosting your intake of fiber in your diet should be tops on the list of anyone hoping to improve their nutritional profile and will absolutely keep you on a regular, first name basis with a certain porcelain object in your bathroom, if you know what I mean. This is important information for anyone hoping to avoid colon cancer, which inflicts more women than breast cancer every year, believe it or not.
There is another important component to the fiber equation and that is water. Think for a moment about your garbage disposal. In order to get it flushed out, you must run the water before turning on the switch. This is how you get things moving and flushed out. Your own personal waste disposal isn’t much different–you need both to make things work: fiber and water.
Fiber is much more than your basic oat bran or whole wheat bread.
There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber, very easily defined–one is soluble in water and the other is not. And in order to function optimally, we absolutely need both.
Most Americans only get 7 to 8 grams of fiber a day in their diets. But the National Cancer Institute recommends 20-35 grams of fiber daily—a big difference. So then, how do you get the fiber in?
A part of the solution can be as simple as changing out the white stuff for the brown stuff: out with the white bread, white rice and white flour and in with the whole wheat bread, brown rice and whole wheat flour. This will pay off in huge dividends—you cannot afford to eat the white stuff. It’s like pouring white glue into your intestines—everything gets stuck. Not only are you not getting the nutrients you need from your food, but you’re also slowing digestion way down and setting yourself up for constipation and other fun stuff.
So bulk up—with fiber, that is. Here are the Top Ten Fibrous Foods to get you going (and for some of you, that may mean literally) Don’t forget the water!
1. Beans, Beans the Musical Fruit.
These nutritional wunderkinds are filled to overflowing with fiber. One cup of black beans has over 19 grams of fiber. Worried about the “soundtrack” that comes with them? Try a little bit of ginger in your beans—for some, this turns off the music fast.”
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