Two words: oatmeal cookies. Oatmeal cookies are a favorite snack for both kids and adults. In this innovative farm-style oatmeal cookie recipe, Sarah cleverly uses a classic Betty Crocker recipe as a starting point, but replaces all the nasty ingredients with real ingredients. So instead of Crisco, we use butter, instead of table salt, we use real salt, and so on and so forth. These oatmeal cookies are sure to please!
“Farm-style oatmeal cookies were my favorite cookies to eat growing up. At that time, neither my family nor I were aware of the harmful effects of many of the ingredients. I have adapted a Betty Crocker recipe that is much healthier than the original version! For example, we used Crisco or shortening in the recipe when we should have used pastured lard or butter. We also used white sugar, imitation vanilla, table salt and store bought processed/powdered buttermilk! Thankfully, all of these ingredients can be replaced with their real food counterparts.
Another problem with the original recipe is even though we would use whole wheat flour to make the recipe, the flour we used was from the store and had most likely gone rancid long before we bought it. It is vital when using flour in your recipes to use freshly ground flour as it will turn rancid soon after it is ground and most or all of the nutrients are lost within a few days. Sprouting grains increases the nutrients in them, so I highly recommend using sprouted flour. The last difference between the original Betty Crocker recipe and my modified recipe is that the dough is going to be soaked. The benefit of soaking grains like oats and wheat in an acidic medium is many of the anti-nutrients will be deactivated.”
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