You’ve finally gotten into a terrific routine of eating healthy, real food, and then… a trip comes up. Wondering how to eat healthy food while traveling can be a source of stress for someone seeking to eat a real food diet. With the help of this post from Noelle, however, you will be well-equipped for maintaining your lifestyle, even while traveling. She offers planning advice, food suggestions, and guidance on how to “slide” when necessary. Check ti out!
“When people describe their interests, chances are, you’ll hear a few key phrases like “being outdoors”, “spending time with friends and family” and, of course, “I absolutely love to travel.”
And to that last one, I say – LIAR!
Seriously. Who “loves” the act of packing everything to one small square, waking up at 3:00am, standing in long lines at security, dealing with canceled flights, screaming babies, and disgruntled passengers, being restricted to a crunched space for multiple hours, and feeling like your stuck in a constant “hang over” due to time zone changes.
So, let me be the first to say, I can’t stand traveling.
In reality, the act of traveling or “getting there” is usually stressful and annoying for all of us. What we all truly enjoy is the experience of “being there.” No matter what the motivation for traveling is, we’re all willing to make sacrifices to either keep our job, visit family, or take a vacation. And a lot of the time – those sacrifices include eating foods that are less than ideal.
Although your eating won’t be perfect, there are a number of things you can do to reduce the already existing stress on your body that traveling brings, which is crucial to optimal function during and after your trip. Because everyone’s “travel” looks different, you can adapt the strategies below to your situation – whether that includes flying, car trips or bus rides… or all three. (And if that’s the case… bless your heart.)”
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