Eating real food can prove to be a challenge at times. But, at the end of the day, when we know what is truly best for us, we must find the motivation and the strength to continue in our health and wellness goals. When obstacles arise, it is helpful to be aware of them and know how to weather the storm. This list of 44 tips for eating well will help you along your real food journey!
“In the modern world it can be a hefty challenge to eat real, nourishing food that makes you feel great. With poor education, too much information and misinformation, most folks are clueless as where to begin. Many give up which is unfortunate. Luckily, with the internet, the game is changing at a rapid pace. Many of us have discovered that animal fat is actually good for us and that whole grains from the supermarket is not the holy grail of all food groups but instead a huge money driver.
If you have an interest in eating real food but are struggling more than you would like then the following tips can certainly help. My tip to you is to pick your ONE favorite that resonates with you and then run with it. Once it becomes a habit in your life, then choose another tip and run with it.
Where did these tips come from? They are taken from the comments in the first Epic Giveaway that I did in late 2012. I have no idea why I let them go for so long without sharing them in blog posts of their own. There are hundreds of tips in the comments. The following 44 (plus dozens more that I will share later), are my favorites. Where I have bolded text is where you will read my favorites of my favorites.
If reading these tips have made you think of some yourself then please share in the comments below. Let’s spread the good word on real, nourishing food!
1. Don’t force or restrict yourself – at least not at first. There’s time later to tweak your diet. Just worry about eating the good stuff and avoiding the bad. Weight loss is secondary at this point.”
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