There’s lots of talk in health circles, and now even in the mainstream media and food circles, about grains. They are highly controversial, as many people claim that eliminating grains and gluten from their diets have helped them overcomes chronic illnesses while the government still insists on grains being a part of every MyPlate. So what gives? Are grains really good for us? Are they necessary for our health and wellbeing? This post explores the real reasons why you don’t need grains to be healthy.
“Whole grains, organic grains, gluten-free grains . . . there’s so much talk about grains these days and whether they’re good for you or not.
I’m definitely in the camp of “grains are not good for you” when it comes to grains of all kinds.
I’ve spoken about grains and their damaging lectins many times before. I personally have stopped eating grains and I feel so much better than I did before. All of that bloating is now a thing of the past.
But no matter how many articles are written about the damaging effects of consuming grains, people will continue to argue that we need to eat them as part of a healthy diet.
The truth is, we do not need grains. Period.
Let’s take a look at one of the biggest arguments coming out of the “grains are good for you” camp:
We need to eat grains for their fiber.
It is true that we need fiber to help move things along in our bodies. But, it is also true that vegetables and fruits are a much better source of fiber than whole grains. When grains move through the body, they can actually damage the lining of your gut, creating tiny holes that allow toxins and undigested food particles to seep through into parts of your body that they have no business being in. This leads to inflammation in the body, allergies and all kinds of problems.
Think about it. Do you really want little bits of twigs and sticks passing through the soft lining of your gut? Just envision one of those sharp pieces of popcorn that gets stuck in your teeth making its way through your intestinal tract. Ouch.
Fruits and vegetables are a much more gentle way to get your fiber!
Now that I’ve debunked the fiber myth, let’s take a look at one of my main reasons for giving up grains:
Toxic anti-nutrients
Besides being a damaging source of roughage, grains also contain harmful and toxic anti-nutrients.
I’ve mentioned lectins already, but grains also contain a couple other anti-nutrients called gluten and phytates. While lectins are responsible for leaky gut and inflammation in the body, gluten and phytates are pretty nasty too. Gluten is a real trouble maker that can lead to thyroid issues, compromised vitamin D3 and calcium levels and even bone defects.”
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