We know how important it is to consume grass-fed meat and products from grass-fed animals. But there is also great benefit in consuming the bone marrow of grass-fed animals. This post explains what bone marrow is and why it is so nutritious, as well as a delicious bone marrow butter recipe. The bone marrow butter combine healthy grass-fed bone marrow and butter with flavorful herbs.
“Bone Marrow Butter is a little exotic, a little decadent, and whole lot of delicious yumminess packing an out-of-this-world nutritional punch.
I’d never imagined it, let alone tasted it, until a couple of weeks ago when I was attending Monica Corrado’s Teacher Training at Sunrise Ranch, CO. Sous Chef Ace Linne-Speidel brought it out at dinner our first evening there, all while extolling the virtues of roasted marrow from grass-fed cows and appreciating the depth and quality of grass-fed butter.
As the week progressed, he whipped his Bone Marrow Butter into mashed sweet potatoes at lunch, spread it over grass-fed steaks with breakfast, and brought it to the table for students to use with abandon on slices of homemade sourdough.
I couldn’t get enough of it. Needless to say, as soon as I got home I whipped up a batch of Bone Marrow Butter. So far, my favorite way to use it has been to spoon it into a hearty beef stew with mushrooms.
If you’ve never tried roasted bone marrow, you’ve been missing out. Not only is roasted marrow a traditional culinary staple in dishes around the world, but it’s a gourmand’s dream because of it’s rich umami and light, melt-in-your mouth texture.”
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