It won’t take you much time spent around here to realize that we enjoy a good healthy, homemade ice cream. Our summers are full of active days as a family followed by evenings spent making treats like cookie dough ice cream sandwiches, double chocolate ice cream, semifreddo, and coconut mango popsicles together. Every once in a while, my husband and I send the kids to bed early so we can enjoy some adults-only downtime together. This typically involves binge watching Netflix and making a grown up version of ice cream – with coffee – yummmmmmm. This healthy homemade coffee ice cream is so decadent, smooth, and so, so good. Enjoy!
“Parenting Rule #386
Always say grownup. Not adult, GROWNUP. This is an essential distinction to make, or else you may find yourself standing in a very public place with a child asking loudly, “Mommy, can I watch the adult movie, too?” (It was What About Bob – the only grownup option available where we were staying on vacation. Don’t judge.)
Moving on! Now that we have that out of the way, I’d like to introduce you to grownup ice cream. Rich and smooth with a hint of caramel, this simple indulgence is made with wholesome ingredients: real cream, unrefined sugar, egg yolks, grass-fed gelatin, pastured egg yolks, a pinch of salt, and of course the most beloved elixir of just about every parent I know: C-O-F-F-E-E.
Now, this may get me kicked out of the club, but I don’t drink coffee every day. And I don’t have much of a sweet tooth so desserts are an occasional thing for me. But oh, when parenting hits a moment of peak craziness this coffee ice cream recipe is like sanity in a bowl. Homemade “magic shell” is optional, but highly recommended. Enjoy!
Coffee Ice Cream Recipe
Makes one quart. Can be doubled if needed, but depending on the size of your ice cream maker you may need to churn in two batches.”
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