You’ve heard us talk about the health benefits of tallow and even how to use it to make your own deodorant. Now, find out how you can use tallow for skin health! Sound crazy? Well it really works. Read this excellent post from Sarah about how to make your own tallow “lotion”.
I mean, I realize that I am, after all, a little bit of a hippie at heart.On the other hand, had you told me that I would be rendering my own tallow to use as a facial cream.
Well… for one thing, I’d say “what the heck is tallow?!”… and then after a quick google search I’d have said “EWW, No Way!” (in case you don’t know, tallow = beef fat)But, that my friends is exactly what I did today! And I’m going to tell you how I did it and why, and share with you just how easy it is so that you can do it too! (aren’t you excited?!)
First off, why on earth would I want to use something as disgusting as beef fat on my face?!Okay, so let’s backtrack a little bit.
When I first started diving into this brave new world of real food, natural remedies, and non-toxic living… One of my biggest fascinations was with “naturalizing” my beauty routine. I was quite horrified to find that almost all of the products I was using to beautify myself were quite possibly increasing my risk for cancer, could be causing neurotoxicity, or could even be making me fat *gasp*!
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