When it comes to cleaning products, there may be nothing more magical than Mr. Clean’s Magic Eraser’s ability to remove the deepest scuffs and marks. But the commercial Magic Eraser is laden with nasty chemicals and also comes with a hefty price. This DIY magic eraser requires only three ingredients, is less expensive than the commercial brand, and works even better to remove the biggest “boo-boo’s”. 🙂
“Last night one of my children wrote all over our window sill with a marker. I’m not sure which child it was, because I left the room and when I came back one child was sprinting away from the table with 863 markers jammed in her tiny fat hands and another child immediately confessed “Mama! I colored on my sister! I know she’s not paper, but she looks nice now!”
Oh boy.
Never a dull moment around here, friends.
Anyway, since I literally own no chemical cleaning supplies I didn’t know what to do. How I’ve managed to get nearly 10 years and 4 kids deep into motherhood before dealing with a Marker Nightmare is beyond me, but alas, I felt a bit of panic.
I immediately got on Facebook and asked my mama friends what to use. Everyone said Magic Eraser. Only, I had 4 children asleep and Daddy is away and well, I just don’t like using chemicals at all.
So, I decided to use what I normally use when I clean something that needs scrubbing: Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
PEOPLE. This worked better than any Magic Eraser! Here’s how I did it”
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