It’s been championed as the most important meal of the day, and in our house, that certainly holds true. My family loves breakfast mostly because we enjoy being creative with breakfast foods. We love turning otherwise “vanilla” ingredients like eggs into something special like a green chile casserole, and we have a blast recreating traditional favorites like homemade sausage, blueberry pancakes, and chocolate muffins into a healthier version. One of these beloved childhood favorites is a nice helping of home fries. When loaded with vegetables, meat, and raw cheese, home fries can be pan-licking good. These paleo home fries are made with jicama, an interesting ingredient that you and the family will enjoy working with!
“Breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day, but the healthier I started eating, the harder the time I had finding classic breakfast-type foods to eat. I love smoothies and green shakes but having them every morning gets boring. I limit the amount of grains I eat because I find that I have less inflammation/soreness and more energy when I don’t eat them as often, so oatmeal, pancakes and waffles are out. Whenever I eat cereal I’m hungry again about an hour later, so that’s out. And I have a food sensitivity to eggs, so no omlets for me.
Delicious, special breakfasts on weekend mornings have been a tradition/habit of mine ever since I could remember though. My dad used to make my brother and me pancakes on Saturday mornings, and bring us each a doughnut on Sunday mornings after his basketball games. Boston Cream were my favorite.
Now my special weekend breakfasts look a little different!
These jicama home fries have the ability to be a super-side dish or a filling main course by adding a protein like crumbled sausage. You’ll get all of jicama’s awesome health benefits, like it’s antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties, high fiber and vitamin C content, and energy boosting properties.
Jicama is a vegetable you may not be familiar with, so here’s how to work with it and make this dish:
Step One
The first step is to peel the jicama. You can use a standard vegetable peeler, or you can peel it kind of like a banana. Cut off the top and bottom of the vegetable. Working from top to bottom, place your knife at an angle where the newly sliced off top meets the skin and make a little dig in, enough that you can grab with your fingers and start to pull.
Step Two
Pull the slice of skin fresh off! Repeat until all of the skin is gone.
Step Three
Next, you’ll cut the jicama into small cubes. I start by cutting it in half (the tall way), then making slices about 1/2″ thick.”
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