We enjoy discovering natural remedies for a variety of common, every day issues like head aches, dandruff, and eczema, for different mother/baby issues like mastitis, colic, and ear infections, and for less common and possible more intense things like adrenal fatigue and lyme disease. This post outlines several natural remedies for lyme disease and how you can prevent it!
“With summer in full swing, pests like mosquitos and ticks are a concern. Not only are ticks annoying, but they can also be carriers for the dreaded Lyme disease. Infected blacklegged ticks, also known as deer ticks, bite unsuspecting humans and transmit the bacterial infection into the blood stream. Unlike the common dog tick, deer ticks are very small and hard to spot.
What Exactly Is Lyme Disease?
Lyme disease usually starts with a rash that looks like a bullseye. Unfortunately, only around 50% of people get this classic Lyme disease rash. It may not be itchy, and it can show up anywhere on the body. There can be lots of different symptoms for Lyme Disease, but they commonly include extreme fatigue, headache and jaw, neck, joint, bone or back pain. People who have Lyme’s generally feel extremely achy, sore and tired. Lyme disease is a multi-system disease meaning it affects a lot of different systems of the body. It also starts out as acute Lyme disease, but can turn chronic over time.
It’s also important to know that Lyme disease can only be diagnosed by a physician. To get a firm diagnosis for Lyme disease, there are tests available, but some are more accurate than others. Direct microscopy is the preferred method for holistic practitioners according to Dr. Josh Axe’s site.
Besides being spread via tick bites, the disease has even been shown in animal studies to be transferred through blood transfusions. It can also affect an unborn baby if the mother is sick, causing birth defects or even death. With over 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year, it’s worth knowing how to protect yourself.
How To Avoid Being Bitten By A Tick
Obviously the best defense against Lyme disease is to stay away from ticks. With summer camping trips and events though, staying inside 24/7 isn’t really an option for people. Here are some ways to minimize your chances of getting Lyme disease.”
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